Integrations to make your life easier

No matter which back-office suppliers, CRMs, or risk and compliance tools you prefer, we’ll integrate seamlessly with them to help you run your business as efficiently as possible.

At Parmenion, we understand the importance of streamlining your financial advisory processes. That's why we've designed our platform to seamlessly integrate with a range of back-office suppliers, CRMs, and essential risk and compliance tools. Whether you rely on Intelliflo, Dynamic Planner, Ningi, or other industry-leading software, we make it easy for you to manage your clients' wealth efficiently and effectively.

Our integration partners

  • Adviser CRM systems
  • Financial Planning Systems
  • Suitability & Compliance systems
SystemValuationsTransactionsRemunerationAccount Opening
Focus Solutions󠀠󠀠
Iress Xplan / AdviserOffice / Avelo / 1st󠀠󠀠󠀠
Morningstar Adviser Workstation󠀠󠀠󠀠
Sprint Enterprise Fastrack󠀠✓󠀠
Time4Advice Curo󠀠󠀠
True Potential󠀠󠀠󠀠
Wealthcraft / Plum󠀠󠀠
Image shows different symbols and shapes vertically and horizontally across a pink/blue background.

Need a custom data feed?

We offer tailored data feeds for financial advisers with proprietary back-office, CRM, or risk management systems. Collaborate with us to set up seamless data integration, so your workflows remain efficient. Parmenion is your partner for flexible, customized data solutions.


Get in touch

Are you a data provider? Let's talk

Are you a data provider and want to integrate with Parmenion? We have a dedicated support team to help get you set up. Head over to our contact us page and get in touch.

Contact Us