Advisory Models PRO

Running your own model portfolios has never been easier. We’ve reduced the admin burden, simplified data gathering and streamlined reporting, so you’ve got more time to focus on your clients.

For financial professionals only
Please note:
  • The information on this page is only suitable for financial professionals.
  • Past performance is no indication of future returns and investors could get back less than they pay in.
  • There’s no guarantee that models or funds will meet their objectives.
  • The value of investments can go down as well as up.
An animated gif of the Advisory Models PRO client consent process on an iPhone

Built for your benefit

Managing models on an advisory basis is a never-ending cycle of change - asking clients for approval; keeping track of those approvals; and managing trades in a timely manner. We know you could be making better use of your time, so we’ve made the whole process digital. Make changes, gather consent via the client portal or Parmenion app, complete trades and get all your essential reporting.

A screenshot of our work in progress consent status dashboard for Advisory Models PRO

Track progress

Track the progress of where all your clients are in your models. See who has consented and who hasn’t.

Need to record offline consent? You can do that too.

Work in progress, images are for illustrative purposes only.

Vantage Shapes 01

Report on your models

Use Vantage capability to understand the current status of your advisory models, and support any other investment reporting you need to do.

You can also provide relevant data to your interested parties, on request.

Powered by partnerships

Parmenion was built from the ground up for investment management. Now, we’re extending that capability to adviser firms, with major enhancements that make running your own advisory models significantly easier. Better still, we’ll work with you to get you up and running, making sure you’ve got the right set up to manage your models.

Making the right assets available

We’ll work alongside you at the set up to make sure the right assets are available to build your models.

Looking to the future

Advisory Models PRO has been built with advisers, for advisers. Our platform users provide the inspiration and direction for our continuously improving technology and our advisory model capability.

A headshot of Martin Jennings

We want to be seen as the provider of choice by those firms that want to implement a centralised investment proposition.

Martin Jennings

Speak to us about Advisory Models PRO.