The power of partnerships: challenge the changemakers

Parmenion brand illustration of a train on a bridge over a river, heading to a city
For financial professionals only

We’re proud to provide partnerships that help advisers and planners navigate an increasingly challenging investment, retirement and regulatory landscape.  They say the only constant in life is change, and supporting advice firms with the products and service they need to be more efficient, more effective, and build more trusted relationships with clients is what drives our continuous improvement.  

Evolution in action

At the core of Parmenion sits a dedicated team of around 100 changemakers who run a development cycle every two weeks to bring new capability to market. We’ve got a hopper of activities that are constantly getting tested, refined, and enhanced all the way through to build. In 2023, we delivered 26 releases and over 250 new features – that’s effectively a new and improved platform for our partners, every fortnight!

More for '24

This year, we're ramping up our efforts right across our product range. Our development roadmap includes hundreds of improvements, from financial planning tools to enhanced data accessibility, tax wrappers, and internal service enhancements to make the experience of working with us even smoother.

We don’t believe in a ‘big bang’ approach – for us, change is iterative and based on adviser feedback. If there’s stuff we should – or shouldn't - be developing for you, we want to hear that. We’ve got a great team of Regional Sales Managers right across the UK who’ll make sure that everything that we do is answering real challenges and priorities in your business.

Powering our own change

The reason we can be more responsive is that we own our own technology. That puts us in control of our own destiny  - no relying on third parties or joining the outsource queue.

It also allows us to have astoundingly high service standards. Uptime for our technology is 99.98% (1). Nearly 88% of calls are answered in 20 seconds or less (2). And say there’s an incident – we don’t need to go off and contact or manage other parties to try to resolve it for you. We can just deal with it.  

Want to hear more?

You can sign up to our mailing list at the very bottom of this page for regular Progress Updates. And if you’d like to have a chat with one of our Regional Sales team, you’ll find contact details here.

Earlier this month I also hosted a live webinar with advisers to share our development plans and what to expect from us next. If you missed it, let our team know you’d like to attend, and they’ll be in touch to invite you to my next session.



This article is for financial professionals only. Any information contained within is of a general nature and should not be construed as a form of personal recommendation or financial advice. Nor is the information to be considered an offer or solicitation to deal in any financial instrument or to engage in any investment service or activity.

Parmenion accepts no duty of care or liability for loss arising from any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of any information contained within this article. All investment carries risk. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and investors may get back less than they put in. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.  

Speak to us and find out how we can help your business thrive.