Income Investing
Investments for when income is your client’s primary objective.
- The information on this page is only suitable for financial professionals.
- Past performance is no indication of future returns and investors could get back less than they pay in.
- There’s no guarantee that models or funds will meet their objectives.
- The value of investments can go down as well as up.

What is income investing?
This type of investing aims to pay out a regular income to the client. It’s usually generated from dividends, bond yields and/or interest payments, and is a way of generating passive income for clients with that financial planning need. Though it’s worth highlighting that as with all investments, income isn't guaranteed. So, what’s the downside? Because fixed income investments are paid to the client - not re-invested - the pot won’t benefit from compounding, which over the long term can account for a large portion of total returns.

Seeking attractive target yields
Just like our total return solutions, our highly experienced team rigorously review chosen funds on an ongoing basis, ensuring they remain the optimal choice for portfolios. However, for income we’re also looking for funds that focus attention on paying sustainably high distributions.

Flexible income investment options
Our investment platform gives you the flexibility to withdraw either a fixed amount per month, or just the natural income. Whichever one you consider more suitable for your client’s circumstances.
Our Tactical Income solution
Our Tactical Income solution aims to deliver a set of target yields while controlling portfolio volatility and as with all our portfolios, is available in 10 Risk Grades so you can match a suitable portfolio to your client’s risk tolerance.
PIM Tactical Income
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We’ve built this solution for advisers with clients whose primary objective is income. Through a combination of utilising a yield optimised asset allocation and income generating assets, the solution aims to deliver increasing target yields as you move up the risk spectrum.
Simon Molica
Senior Investment Manager