Meet our Ethical Oversight Committee

80+ years of ethical expertise, ensuring diverse, customer-focused investment oversight.

For financial professionals only
Image is a grey metallic building with lots of windows. The architecture is twisted.

Good decision making

Our Ethical Oversight Committee (EOC) is a key differentiator of our ethical solutions. They’re a group of independent ethical experts with over 80 years of experience within ethical investing.

They're here to be the voice of the customer and provide an additional layer of insight, scrutiny and control, to make sure all our ethical strategies are meeting their investment mandates.

Image is of the back of a man from shoulders down wearing blue jeans and checkered shirt. In his left hand he is holding beetroot freshly pulled the ground

Independent insight

The EOC meets with our Investment Committee quarterly and maintains regular contact in between. They support with a range of activities, including overseeing fund due diligence and assessing the risks and opportunities of the evolving regulatory environment. 

They also guide our fund selection and monitoring process, which includes assessing each manager every two years.

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The EOC’s independent, market-leading expertise is critical to the oversight of our four Ethical Active Profiles and passive ESG solution

Mollie Thornton
Senior Investment Manager