Headlines this month
Welcome to our latest Progress Report, designed to keep you updated on the service enhancements we’ve working on.
Covering everything from platform developments to updates to our investment offering, this is your one stop shop to find out what we’ve delivered to make your and your clients’ lives easier.
We’ll also give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up and when you can expect to see them. Some of these things might change, be pushed back or get reprioritised depending on how complex they are, feedback from advisers, or if we need to pivot to new laws or regulations. But we’ll keep you posted here when this happens.
Without further ado, here’s April’s report, covering everything since the last update.
Hear from our CEO
And if you'd like to hear our CEO, Martin Jennings talking about our upcoming plans, save your spot on his next Never Stop Improving webinar on 9th May.

Enhanced quarterly solution reports
In Q1 we launched our new Quarterly Solution Reports and we’re delighted to hear the great feedback we’ve been receiving. But we haven’t stopped there.
We’ve now added reports for our DT range. And going forward we now include:
- Exposure, carbon intensity and engagement data for Ethical Active and Passive ESG.
- Active/Passive Splits for Conviction.
- Asset Allocation information for all solutions.
You can take a look at the latest quarterly solution reports here.
We’d love to hear your feedback so we can continue improving. If you've got 2 minutes, please complete this short survey.

What's happened?
Better data
- We’ve made some updates to the IMR to make them more streamlined and easier to navigate. This includes better grouping of solutions and illustrated portfolio contents for non-DFM solutions. This is all groundwork for some big improvements down the line.
Digital first
- We’re continuing to make updates to the app – from the end of this month, your clients will be able download and save documents and reports from the app to their smartphone.
- We’re building a digital confirmation journey in the app (for the likes of Direct Debits, change of address and more), and have recruited customers for user testing to refine the journeys.
Financial Planning
- We’ve updated the platform and key literature to align with the new Lump Sum Allowance regime - with new processes, and information to support your financial planning. You can find out more about this here.
What's next?
- More updates to the app - including easier access to view and update app recovery number (coming May) and the ability for clients to change their address in the app and online (for MFA users only) (coming May).
- Quicker payments through Natwest PayitTM - you’ll send a link to the client; it’ll open their banking app and they can pay straightaway. This will be for the top-up journey initially, but we’ll roll it out for more processes in the future (coming June/July).
- More CGT reporting enhancements - we’re improving the client tax packs, which will now be presented at client level instead of portfolio level (coming May). And we’re continuing to work on consolidated unrealised gains report for clients with multiple GIAs. This will be the same functionality we released for realised gains, for unrealised (coming Q2).
- We’re simplifying our quarterly report packs so you and your clients can find the information you need more quickly and easily. It’ll still have all the essential information but now you can choose whether to include more specific data. We’ll share more information on this soon (coming May)
- We’re making platform notifications better - you’ll soon be able to archive and filter, to make them more manageable (coming May).
- Vantage will be updated to include information on your new business pipeline and which of your clients have MFA enabled (coming May).

What's happened?
Investment reporting and content
- Enhanced Quarterly Solution Reports - the latest Quarterly Solution Reports are now available, with improvements. This includes exposure and engagement data for Ethical Active and Passive ESG, Active/Passive Splits for Conviction and Asset Allocation information. See the latest reports here.
- Following feedback from advisers, we’ve streamlined our reporting to make it more focused and easier for you to use. IQ has been improved, and QIR's information is now available across our fact sheets and quarterly solution reports. Find out more here.
- And don’t miss our latest weekly market update and fortnightly ESG insights, to keep up to speed on the latest market trends.
Investment Choice
- 8AM Global adviser is now available on Parmenion. And to see the full list of third party DFMs available on our platform, click here.
What's next?
- We’ve completed some behind-the-scenes work, like connecting to Equisoft, and we’re looking to make ETFs available on platform for third party DFMs around July.

What's happened?
- As mentioned above, the new Lump Sum Allowance rules are live. We’ve released new processes, and information to support your financial planning. You can find out more about this here.
- We’ve updated the ISA in line with the new rules, so you can pay into multiple ISAs of the same type in each tax year.