Parmenion sterling solution attracts adviser interest as investors seek low-risk yields

St Paul's Cathedral from the Millennium bridge

Award-winning adviser platform Parmenion has seen growing interest in its Sterling solution as advisers seek higher yields for their clients with a low level of risk.

Managed by in-house investment team Parmenion Investment Management (PIM), the Sterling Solution was launched in 2019 to provide advisers with a low-risk financial planning tool with the potential for a strong yield.

With equity markets volatile and investors nervous, cash-like solutions can be a way to phase money into investments during times of market stress. A cash-like solution can also be used to meet other advice challenges, such as allowing retirement funds to remain within a tax wrapper while risk is reduced to meet clients’ needs. It can also be used in a ‘bucketing’ approach to investing where client pots are matched to spending requirements or different time horizons.

PIM Sterling Solution offers:

  • A Current yield, before charges of 5.22% (as at September 2023)
  • Lower DFM fee of 5bps and a reduced custody charge
  • No minimum holding period or lock in
  • Established solution with a four-year track record
  • Expert management by Tim Willis, Investment Director
  • Full due diligence on all funds included in the solution
  • Underlying money market funds are AAA-rated by Fitch
  • Ability to be held in an ISA, SIPP, GIA or offshore bond.

Heather Williams, Head of Investment Product at Parmenion, commented:

“For the first time in more than a decade, banks are paying reasonable rates of interest on uninvested cash. PIM Sterling offers a promising alternative. One that may appeal to those investors who are feeling cautious given the risks in the global economy, or those with cash on deposit looking for a better return.

“While investing offers inflation protection, low risk, high liquidity solutions also have a role to play in a wider financial plan, especially during retirement. The PIM Sterling Solution is another tool in the box to help advisers deliver better outcomes for their clients.”

If you're thinking about your retirement investment plan and would like to find out more about PIM Sterling Solution, click here

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