Parmenion approach to Brexit planning

It’s hard to turn on the news or scroll through social media without Brexit dominating the narrative.

The path to the UK exiting the EU remains extremely opaque, with no single outcome standing out in our analysis. This reflects the wide range of possible outcomes, which is also subject to change in this extremely febrile political environment.

Although there have been numerous resignations on both sides of the main political parties recently, the clock is still ticking and we are working hard to make sure we are ready to carry on our business as usual post Brexit.

This is challenging as we still do not know fully what the post Brexit regulatory landscape will be and so have been considering various scenarios with our key focus on what impact Cliff Edge Brexit (i.e. No deal) would have on our business.

We’ll continue to follow developments closely and assess their implications in relation to our contingency planning. As the facts become clear, we will provide detailed information to our customers who will be directly impacted by Brexit, including any action that may need to be taken.

Whatever the circumstances are, rest assured our priority is to communicate and maintain our award winning service for Advisers and clients.

Read the FCA’s guidance on preparing for Brexit

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