Let's Grow '22: a recap

Photograph of Let's Grow logo in Barbican Centre
For financial professionals only

Thanks to everyone who came or contributed to our second annual Let’s Grow event at the Barbican Conservatory on Tuesday 22nd November. Travel chaos and Covid did their best to scupper our plans but were no match for the 100+ advisers, paraplanners  and experts  who joined us for a jam-packed agenda.

Our host, Tom McPhail of the LangCat drew inevitable comparisons with Louis Theroux as he took to the stage to welcome everyone and introduce our CEO Martin Jennings.

Photo of Martin Jennings, Parmenion CEO and the Lang Cat's Tom McPhale on stage at our flagship Let's Grow '22 event

Martin and Tom kick off their discussion on Parmenion's priorities for 2023 and beyond.

Martin talked through his priorities for the next 12-18 month on investment, on retirement and on our data and service agenda including plans for CGT management, more DFMs, Flexi ISA and family grouping, more integrations to support efficiency and more data to support Consumer Duty.

Spot the difference

We then heard from PIM’s MD Peter Dalgliesh and James Ashley from Goldman Sachs Asset Management on the investment outlook for 2023. Peter and James talked about seven key factors now hanging in the balance, and challenged us to spot the odd one out from these 4 images:

Spot The Difference

We’ll reveal the answer at our Market Insight webinar next Thursday.

Future scenarios

We then leapt ahead from 2023 to 2030 with futurologist Eleanor Winton, who had us all predicting the things that may have appeared and disappeared by 2030 before sharing the work we’ve been doing together on the potential profile of advised clients by the end of the decade.

Tom then challenged Eleanor, along with panelists Helena Wardle and our CMO Sarah Lyons to explain why looking to the future is so important for advice businesses and what we can all do to be more sensitive to the signals of future change now.  If you’d like to find out more about our future scenarios workshop, see the report we created together, or chat about what it might mean for you and your business, please get in touch.

Photo of Eleanor Winton, Futurologist, on stage at our flagship Let's Grow '22 event

Eleanor Winton shares how to plan for future scenarios and what this might mean for advice in the future.

Introducing our new whitepaper

After lunch, we shared another recent collaboration – this time with Altus, the leading platform consultancy firm. Our new white paper: ‘Getting value from your platform: think outside the tick box’ examines the need for enhanced due diligence in the light of consumer duty. If you’d like a copy of the white paper, please speak to your RSM.

Let's Grow '22 Altus And Mike M (2)

Altus' Kevin Okell and Mike Morrow, Parmenion CCO discuss the findings of our joint whitepaper.

Consumer duty

Consumer Duty was the topic for our final session of the day, and we heard from PIMFA’s Simon Harrington and Paradigm Norton’s Dan Atkinson on the importance of responding to the new regulation by not just  following  rules but by doing the right thing instinctively.

We closed with refreshments, networking and discussion across all the topics we’d covered in a really wide ranging day. 

Footage of all the sessions and pictures from the day will be available on our event hub in the next few days. And we’ll be sending you a ‘Save the Date’ in the new year. Let’s Grow ’23 – here we come!

Speak to us and find out how we can help your business thrive.