ESG News: Exits and early wins

ESG Insights (5)
For financial professionals only

Dive into ESG investing with top experts Mollie Thornton, Cleona Lira, and Julian Parrot. Discover how to make informed, ethical investment decisions with us on September 4th 2024 at the NextGen X Parmenion webinar. 

This week in ESG

Chinese renewable success, Blackrock’s ESG retreat, and cutting-edge emissions tracking from space.

Key highlights

🚪 Goldman Sachs bows out of CA100+ – following in the footsteps of JP Morgan, State Street and PIMCO, Goldman Sachs exits the Climate Action 100+ investor engagement group, citing US political pressure.

🎯 China smashes renewables target six years early – China hit its clean energy goal way ahead of schedule, reaching 1,206 gigawatts of capacity in July, surpassing Xi’s target to reach 1,200 gigawatts by 2030. 

📉 BlackRock’s ESG support hits new low – support for environmental and social shareholder proposals fell in 2024, dropping to just 4.1%, down from 6.7% in 2023 and 47% in 2021.

🛰️ New satellite targets methane leaks – non-profit Carbon Mapper launched a satellite to track methane and CO2 super-emitters within 50 meters of their source – hoping to increase accountability and transparency in corporate reporting.

Chart spotlight

Passive fund manager climate support.

Untitled Design 2024 08 28T143047.050

Source:  Parmenion, August 2024.

We complete regular analysis into the continued suitability of funds within our Passive investment solutions, including an annual ESG assessment of fund managers. The chart above highlights the percentage of shareholder climate votes supported by these managers since 2021, broken down between US and rest-of-world (primarily European) fund houses.

Note: Geode run Fidelity’s passive mandates.

Why this matters

The above chart shows the stark difference in absolute support for shareholder climate votes, and the direction of travel, between US and European managers. In Europe, investor support for ESG remains not only strong but growing, with fund manager voting clearly reflecting the trend. In contrast, US managers show much weaker support, and it’s declining each year. The difference is largely due to the ongoing politicalisation of ESG and climate issues in the US, where some states have even boycotted fund houses, they see as too climate-focused, pressuring managers to water down their climate commitments.

ESG remains a crucial element of our Passive manager monitoring, with climate support being just one factor in our provider assessments. For our dedicated Passive ESG solution, the lack of climate support from US managers was a key reason behind our decision to work solely with European houses Amundi  and UBS, although we continue to keep this under review.

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