Due Diligence Assessment 2023

15 7 19 Parmenion 0475
For financial professionals only

We're currently updating our Due Diligence materials to give advisers a clear picture of our business, its scale, governance, leadership and our approach to resilience.

Established compliance consultancy, threesixty have performed an independent assessment of Parmenion Investment Management, in its capacity as a discretionary manager and its approach to due diligence. If you'd like a copy of the report, please get in touch with your regional sales manager.

This report is designed to help you  meet your regulatory obligations to research providers before making a suitability recommendation, by assessing the controls and procedures Parmenion has in place to mitigate the business risks of providing its discretionary management service. 

This makes it a useful tool for achieving your overall due diligence objective, when selecting Parmenion as an investment partner or in recommending our solutions for your clients.

This article is for financial professionals only. Any information contained within is of a general nature and should not be construed as a form of personal recommendation or financial advice. Nor is the information to be considered an offer or solicitation to deal in any financial instrument or to engage in any investment service or activity.

Parmenion accepts no duty of care or liability for loss arising from any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of any information contained within this article. All investment carries risk. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and investors may get back less than they put in. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.  

Speak to us and find out how we can help your business thrive.