Hear from the people that were there
“Thank you to all the team at Parmenion for a focused and informative day held in unique surroundings. I’m looking forward to next year already!”
“Great event today. Fabulous venue and so good to exchange insights, concerns and opportunities with other professionals. Also personally great to catch up with old colleagues and meet new connections.”
“It was an absolute belter. Venue, speakers, the social side, it was all bang on the money. Adviser focused, people skills, business culture and growth, behavioural finance, impending technology challenges, opportunities, and masses more.”
“Epic venue at Battersea Power Station and an agenda set on practical help for financial planners - right up our Melo street."
“Fantastic event as always and what a special end with Lift 109.”
“Enjoyable and thought-provoking event today. Thank you Parmenion for staging an innovative and progressive event. Awesome venue too!”