Active investing
Carefully chosen investments striving to outperform the market
- The information on this page is only suitable for financial professionals.
- Past performance is no indication of future returns and investors could get back less than they pay in.
- There’s no guarantee that models or funds will meet their objectives.
- The value of investments can go down as well as up.

What is active investing?
When we talk about active investing in our solutions, we’re talking about multi-asset investment solutions built from exclusively (or predominantly) active funds.
In active funds, the fund manager aims to beat the market’s return by selectively choosing individual holdings within the fund. This additional oversight typically involves more expense, but with that comes the potential for outperformance.

Our results driven active investment strategy
Our highly experienced team rigorously review chosen active funds on an ongoing basis, ensuring they remain the optimal choice for portfolios.
We segment the fund universe to find those that have consistently delivered above average returns with lower than average risk, then use a range of quantitative and qualitative metrics to find the best possible blend of funds for our active portfolios.

Why choose active investment?
Growth - by following an active investment strategy we aim to beat the market's return. Freedom and flexibility - our active solutions are tailored to client objectives, risk tolerance and specific ESG requirements. Expertise - our detailed driven investment team undertake extensive quantitative and qualitative research and monitor solutions daily. Spread the risk - deep diversification within asset classes is our key approach to managing volatility.
Our range of active solutions
We offer a range of discretionary managed multi-asset active investment portfolios across both strategic and tactical asset allocation styles. Some entirely active, some blended. So you can find the right active fund for your client’s objectives.

PIM Tactical Active
Our Tactical Active solution takes a dynamic approach to asset allocation, supporting advisers who want to capture potential nearer term investment upside for their clients, or act to give them downside protection.
PIM Tactical Active
PIM Strategic Conviction
Our dynamic blended solution puts the active/passive decision-making in the capable hands of our investment team, so you only pay for active investment management when it’s expected to add the most value.
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PIM Strategic Multi-Option
Our most flexible solution allows advisers to create portfolios to meet different client priorities, while allowing control of cost - thanks to the ability to choose between fully active, fully passive or a blend of both investment styles across different asset classes.
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PIM Strategic Guardian
Our dedicated drawdown solution, designed to dampen risk in falling markets, whilst maintaining exposure to potential capital grown in rising ones. Guardian aims to maintain access to capital growth, and importantly, insulate the portfolio from market downturns.
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DT Multi-Option
Our flexible DT Multi-Option is a risk focused investment solution for advisers who’ve integrated Dynamic Planner into their business. Like our standard Multi-Option solution, you can choose between fully active, fully passive or a blend of both investment styles across different asset classes.
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Our active investment solutions are managed in line with changing market conditions, with our range of tactical and strategic options designed to help you meet your clients’ investment objectives.
Jasper Thornton-Boelman
Investment Director