Parmenion win Best Ethical DFM for second year running

With 7 nominations and 3 accolades, Team Parmenion had plenty to celebrate at the 2019 Investment Life & Pensions Moneyfacts Awards in London on Thursday night.

We’re proud to have won Highly Commended awards for Best Online Service and Best Investment Service and especially to be recognised as the UK’s Best Ethical Discretionary Fund Manager for the second year in succession.

Awareness and demand for ESG, Sustainable and Ethical fund investment solutions is growing fast amongst clients of all ages and life stages. The inclusion of ethical preferences within the adviser process is likely to come under the regulatory spotlight in coming months. Our latest award puts us in the perfect position to help more advisers offer best-in-class ethical solutions that help their clients balance the prospect of returns with the opportunity to do something good with their money.

Shiny awards make us happy, happy people make us shine

The Moneyfacts Awards are decided on a combination of independent Moneyfacts’ data and, more importantly, the opinions of financial advisers. Supporting you with best-in-class service and solutions is what we’re here to do every day. Look out for our #WinningEveryDay posts on Twitter and LinkedIn to find out more.

And congratulations to all the Moneyfacts winners. It was a great night.

See the full list of Moneyfacts winners here>

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